Agave Audio Cumbre Preamp - Pedal of the Day

Agave Audio Cumbre Preamp

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Monday, June 27, 2016 in Agave Audio, Preamps | 0 comments

Agave Audio Cumbre Preamp We’re starting off this week with a type of pedal that tends to get overlooked all too often, but one that can be essential to your sound. The cats over at Agave Audio have come up with a boost pedal that’s simple, easy-to-use and adds a ton of sparkle to your tone – the Cumbre Preamp. One knob, 2 footswitches and a lot of power adds up to a wonderful boost that will drive your amp into sweet breakup.

With only one control pot, it’s not rocket surgery figuring out how to use this gem of a pedal. Since it features 2 different boost stages, using 2 separate footswitches, dialing it in to mix with your amp is the first thing you should do. The Bypass stage (green light) adds just a bit of boost to the front end of your amp, adding that special little sparkle to your tone, and just beefing up your pickups in general. The second stage channel, Boost (red light), gives the level you set with the first stage an extra kick in the pants, really bringing out the power and original sound of your guitar and amp, especially if the latter is set to just before natural breakup. Excellent for rhythm and lead tones alike, the Cumbre Preamp with make your tone shine.

Point-to-point hand-wired in the USA, and featuring a JFET transistor, this preamp is an excellent “always-on” pedal, and that second stage boost will really slice and dice any mix when you need the spotlight on you and your sound. Like we said, this is a simple, easy-to-use pedal, with no frills and no muss, just an excellent tone-shaper and welcome addition to any board. Thanks to the guys at Agave Audio for sending the Cumbre Preamp our way, we can’t wait to see what they come up with next! Cheers!


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