Gamechanger Audio PLASMA High Voltage Distortion - Pedal of the Day

Gamechanger Audio PLASMA Pedal High Voltage Distortion

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Wednesday, December 26, 2018 in Gamechanger Audio, Overdrive / Distortion | 0 comments

Gamechanger Audio Plasma Pedal High Voltage Distortion UnitMerry Christmas-Hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Boxing Day-Omisoka-Yule to you all, hope your celebrations were safe, festive and full of love and friendship! Now, back to business: today’s pedal is an absolute CRUSHER. Taking the world of distortion and completely throwing it for a loop, the PLASMA High Voltage Distortion Unit from Gamechanger Audio reinvents the way a high gain pedal should look, feel, sound and perform. Using updated and extremely sophisticated technology to achieve these results, this is one fun pedal to delve into and investigate….

The PLASMA is a whole different beast, in that it transforms your signal into a series of continuous, high-voltage discharges within a xenon-filled tube. The tube is right there on the face of the pedal, too, so you can clearly see what’s happening with your signal. You’re basically playing a bolt of electricity (seriously) and the discharges are instantly converted back into analog audio, producing a very quick and responsive distortion that carries unique tones and a ton of character.

The controls all interact together as well, to provide a well-rounded set of sonic options for you to experiment with and explore. The Blend knob mixes your signal, and cranking it up gives you a fully-wet, heavily-gated distorted sound. The extremely wide EQ portion is controlled by
Low Freq and High Freq knobs, offering a bigger-than-usual range of tones – the fluctuations from the magnetic field produce frequencies that are often beyond your instrument’s capabilities, truly opening up the playing field.

Drive gets the signal as dirty as you want it, with not a lot of clean going on (who wants that, anyway?), but still keeping the signal clear and tight. The Voltage knob really gets the fun going, impacting the intensity of the signals created in the tube, for yet another HUGE spectrum of sounds just waiting to be discovered and exploited. This knob lets you set how much sustain you want, and bumps up the overall responsiveness of the pedal as well.

With a completely new approach to generating analog distortion effects, the PLASMA Pedal really steps up the game, and throws everything we thought possible in a high-gain pedal right out the window. Ranging from overdriven crunch to tight, gated distortion to a thick fuzz, the possibilities here are seemingly endless. Cheers to the entire Gamechanger Audio staff for creating an honest game changer of a pedal – we checked out their PLUS Sustain pedal a while back, and it is going to pair up perfectly with the PLASMA. If you’re in the market for a fresh injection of tone and wonder into your rig, this is definitely the way to go. Be sure to peruse our demo video below, subscribe to our YouTube channel and head over to the Gamechanger Audio website for details on how to grab your very own PLASMA.

Gamechanger Audio PLASMA Pedal High Voltage Distortion Unit - Pedal of the Day on YouTube


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