Deadbeat Sound Echolation Station - Pedal of the Day

Deadbeat Sound Echolation Station

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Friday, November 16, 2018 in Deadbeat Sound, Delay / Reverb | 0 comments

Deadbeat Sound Echolation StationAs our “Deadbeat Week” draws to a close here at Pedal of the Day, we’re excited to bring one final effect to you from the “Station” line of pedals from Deadbeat Sound. The Echolation Station is full of gooey delay goodness, boasting a ton of different modes and echoed tones up and down the line. The delay-filled gem gives you a multitude of echo effects, from modern to classic to vintage and everywhere else you could possible imagine…

The delay modes available here on the Echolation are not your average, run-of-the-mill selections, and feature some fun and intriguing sounds for you to experiment with. Clean is a great digital delay, and Analog gives you a warm, slightly dirty echo. Mod adds a bit of chorus to your repeats, and the Tube and Tape Echo modes each continue the vintage stylings by emulating some classic, warbly sounds made famous by numerous guitarists.

The Dynamic mode applies a volume fluctuation delay kinda thing to a pure delay tone, Lo-Fi adds in some sample reducing feedback, Filter boasts a sweeping filter function and Reverse, well, reverses your feedback, for some far-out sounds. Three control knobs let you adjust parameters for each of these modes as well: Delay sets your wet/dry mix, Time sets your delay time and Feedback controls the number of repeats the pedal produces.

Deadbeat Sound LogoWe’ve had an absolute blast this week sharing these reviews and demos with you, thanks to Deadbeat Sound for supplying us with some tasty pedals to bring your way. Aside from sounding really, really good, this entire lineup is extremely affordable, making them perfect for every musician, from the budget-conscious to the world-traveling jet setter, and everyone who falls in between the two extremes. Head to the Deadbeat website to purchase the entire “Station” lineup, as well as The Visible Overdrive, but make sure you head to our YouTube Channel first to check out all the demos from these great pedals we’ve put together. Cheers!

Deadbeat Sound Echolation Station - Pedal of the Day on YouTube


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