L.R. Baggs Para DI Acoustic Direct Box & Pre-Amp - Pedal of the Day

L.R. Baggs Para DI Acoustic Direct Box & Pre-Amp

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 in Direct Box, L.R. Baggs, Preamps | 0 comments

Let me begin with, “WOW!” The L.R. Baggs Para DI Acoustic Direct Box & Pre-Amp can transform the sound of any acoustic guitar/instrument that you put through it. Once I first plugged into the pedal I knew this was going to be great because the sound of my guitar instantly cleaned up and everything became less jumbled. Each string was more distinctive and pure. That was without messing with any of the knobs and going from where it was set previous to my opening and usage.

Once you look at the pedal you’ll see just how much control is in your hands. The soundboard or whatever your running through can be set at an even level and your pedal will control how your guitar sounds. Some features that this has over any other standard DI box would be there’s a gain for both passive and active pickups. You can adjust the EQ of your guitar from your pedal (going back to the fact that your soundboard can be set evenly) and control your midrange bands. You’re given an XLR and 1/4″ output, 1/4″ FX loop output, and 1/4″ input. One last feature of this pedal is it can run off of a 9V battery or 48V Phantom power from your soundboard.

This pedal packs a lot of power and, again, can make any guitar sound much better than it did before.

Adjustable gain for both passive and active pickups
5 band EQ with tunable notch and midrange bands
Phase inversion for best sound and feedback control
XLR and 1/4″ outputs
Works with 9V battery or 48V phantom power


Submitted by Cameron K, Website, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

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