Mouse Electronics Solid Drive Distortion - Pedal of the Day

Mouse Electronics Solid Drive Distortion

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Monday, April 17, 2017 in Mouse Electronics, Overdrive / Distortion | 0 comments

Mouse Electronics Solid Drive DistortionDistortion pedals can be a tricky business – some players can get turned off even by the mention of the word, as they automatically assume these types of pedals can only be used to play loud, aggressive music. While that can be true, the good ones can also be used in many different musical situations, as is the case with today’s featured pedal. The Solid Drive from Mouse Electronics is, yes, a distortion, but can also be used as a killer overdrive, an amp-driver, boost and more.

The main thing that pops out immediately when glancing at the Solid Drive is the 3-band EQ, which is extremely important for pedals of this heavy-ish nature. Offering a wide range of gain and tonal adjustment, it’s easy to dial in sounds from blues to rock to metal and everywhere in between using the High, Mid and Low controls. There’s a Volume knob present which controls the overall output of the pedal, and the Gain knob rounds things out. This control also displays a wide range of sounds, and mixing it with the fabulous EQ section results in a plethora of new and exciting sounds to use, on many differing styles and genres of music.

Mouse Electronics LogoBuilt using Alpha potentiometers, Cliff knobs, Amphenol jackas and high-quality film capacitors, the Solid Drive Distortion is built as well as it sounds. Opening up the doorway to a new world of sonic exploration, it gives you the ability to try, test and discover how to use a pedal of this stature in many ways, and helping to break the pigeonhole mold that effects in the Distortion category tend to be lumped together in. If you’re ever in Minsk, Belarus, be sure to check out the guys in Mouse Electronics; if that’s a bit far away from your current residence, just click to go to their website and read more about the Solid Drive, as well as the other pedals and amps they’ve created. Thanks to everyone there for letting us check out the Solid Drive Distortion, we’re looking forward to reviewing more of their gear down the road.


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