You searched for Hilbish Design - Pedal of the Day

Search results for Hilbish Design

After having the opportunity to review and demo a couple of pedals recently from Hilibish Design, the Pessimiser and Night Destroyer, we were stoked when they sent over their latest creation. These guys don’t mess around, and today’s Deathimizer Octave Fuzz is no joke. Another collaboration with King Buzzo from The Melvins, this destructive machine is a fuzz with ear drum wrecking highs stacked with an analog two octave...

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Our first foray into the heavy world of Hilbish Design effects was the incredible Red Fang Night Destroyer Distortion Preamp a couple months back. Big and bold, it encompassed Red Fang’s music and attitude perfectly. Today’s pedal, the Pessimiser King Buzzo Distortion, focuses on the multitude of unique distorted tones coveted by The Melvins’ leader for decades, bringing them all together into one box. The Pessimiser...

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Y’all know the band Red Fang? Well, if ya don’t, ya should. A mix of punk, metal, thrash and sludge, they’ve been tearing up venues around the world since their inception in 2005 (we used to love seeing them at the Neurolux in Boise). As this Covid-19 pandemic has hit us all, musical acts are one of the most affected, and today’s pedal gives a little back to one of our favorites. The Hilbish Design Red Fang...

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My name is Luis Aznarez, I am from Barcelona, Spain and I have a pedal company called Lefa Pedals located in Seattle, Washington How long have you been a musician? How did you get into it in the first place? I started playing bass more than 25 years ago. A friend from school told me to join his band. My musical knowledge at that time was practically non-existent, I thought that a bass was a 4-string guitar that did...

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Posted By on Thursday, March 20, 2014 in | 2 comments

If you’d like to gain more exposure for your company, and help expand our site throughout the global music community, please contact us HERE. If you like the site and what we’re doing, and would also like to contribute, you can send a donation HERE. These companies and distributors have selflessly contributed gear for review to Pedal of the Day, making this adventure a reality. We can’t thank them enough for their...

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