Lone Wolf Audio Outer Heaven Fuzz - Pedal of the Day

Lone Wolf Audio Outer Heaven Fuzz

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Friday, March 2, 2018 in Fuzz, Lone Wolf Audio | 0 comments

Lone Wolf Audio Outer Heaven FuzzAnyone who knows Lone Wolf Audio and its proprietor, Joe Anastasio, knows that they don’t mess around when it comes to effects pedals geared (pun intended) towards the heavier side of music. Today’s featured pedal, the Outer Heaven Fuzz, continues that staunch tradition by bringing a fury of fuzzy and distorted tones to the forefront, while taking your average fuzz pedal and flipping it upside down and around, as Joe has been known to do. Loaded with sonic options and experimentation out the yin yang, let’s take a gander at this dark beauty…

Up top, Volume, Tone and Fuzz knobs get things moving in the control department, with each parameter producing a big spectrum of sound. Plenty of volume on tap, of course, the Tone has a big sweep of low to high end frequencies and Fuzz adds in more and more dirt as the dial gets cranked up. There’s an added bonus in the EQ section as well, as a separate Mids knob allows for further adjustment of your overall tone sound.

Now for the fun stuff: first, a rotary Depth switch gives you varying levels of intensity to choose from, perfect for pairing with almost any amp/pedalboard setup you can throw at the Outer Heaven. Next, a tap of the Chaos footswitch activates the internal Feedback Loop, which you can then adjust via the Feedback knob. Playing around with the settings from these two sections really opens the pedal up, and lets you delve into a whole other world of gated, fizzy, chaotic, blistering fuzz, complete with sustain if you hold the notes, and silence if you don’t.

Lone Wolf Audio FX LogoThis dual IC fuzz has such a big range of sounds, and we tried to cram them all into the demo below, but it is truly a pedal to behold in person, and tweak to get the perfect sound for YOU. Thanks as always to Joe and Lone Wolf Audio for continually re-inventing what effects pedals should be, and keeping us all on our sonic toes with each new release. We’ve got some more stuff from them on the way, so stay tuned, and be sure to check out the LWA website to see what other creations lay in wait to blow out your neighbor’s eardrums….


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