MOD Kits DIY The Saturator Overdrive - Pedal of the Day

MOD Kits DIY The Saturator Overdrive

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Monday, December 30, 2019 in MOD Kits DIY, Overdrive / Distortion | 0 comments

MOD Kits DIY The Saturator Boost Overdrive Distortion

Here at Pedal of the Day, we love pedals with tons of options, switches, buttons and levers….but not necessarily ALL the time. Today’s pedal scratches an itch for a simple, stripped-down, no-frills-but-sounds-amazing effect, and it comes in a bright red box, too! The Saturator is a pedal kit available from MOD Kits DIY, and will go from clean boost to crunchy overdrive to rock and roll distortion, all with just 2 knobs.

Speaking of these two knobs, the functionality here is pretty easy to figure out. The saturation is controlled with the Soak knob, which dials in the amount of symmetrical soft-clipping applied to your signal. When fully counterclockwise, the signal is unaffected and clean, but as you slowly turn it to the right, more grit and grime appear. The Level knob sets the overall volume of the clean or saturated output, with unity gain at roughly 8:00. When Soak is set to clean, turning the Level knob clockwise will increase the level, creating a boost upwards of +30dB.

With a build difficulty of just 2 out of 5 (according to MOD Kits DIY), the Saturator is a great place to start if you’re getting into creating your own effects pedal, and learning about wiring and pedal creation in general. Easy to use but capable of creating a slew of powerful sounds, this shiny beauty is the perfect way to end the decade reviewing. Thanks to MOD Kits DIY as always – be sure to check it out in action in our demo video below, don’t forget to subscribe while you’re there and have a safe and Happy New Year!!!


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