Noisemaker Effects Archives - Pedal of the Day

Noisemaker Effects

Noisemaker Effects makes really nice pedals, and then sells them at a really nice price (I bought their 1/2-watt amplifier, too, and that thing rocks!). They’re built in sturdy, tough, metallic enclosures, sure to stand the test of time (and our foot abuse) and outlive us all. The Soda Pop Fuzz seems like another rad pedal from a cool company, so let’s check it out, uh? The graphics first catch your eye and make you crack...

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The Nebula from Noisemaker Effects is a pint-sized dual pedal, offering both Reverb and Delay, plus the option to use both simultaneously. If you put it onto your board vertically, it’s not much wider than a standard Boss pedal, making it ideal for space-saving, and producing some nice tones as well. The left side (Reverb) features 3 control knobs: Reverb, Feedback B and Mix B. Reverb controls the amount of the effect...

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