Guitar Tricks presents Can You Use Pedals to Help You Learn Guitar? - Pedal of the Day

Guitar Tricks presents Can You Use Pedals to Help You Learn Guitar?

Posted By Pedal of the Day on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 in News | 0 comments

(This article comes from our friends at – check out their site for tons of guitar-related tips and tricks!!)

Can You Use Pedals to Help You Learn Guitar?

By Mitch Wilson for Guitar Tricks and 30 Day Singer, the original platform for online guitar lessons.

Learning to play guitar can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. While mastering the basics of chords, scales, and technique is essential, incorporating guitar pedals into your practice and performance can take your playing to the next level.

No, you don’t need guitar pedals to learn the guitar, but they can sure help you along on your journey. In this guitar lesson we will show you some benefits of using guitar pedals to help you learn how to play guitar.

1. Experiment with Different Sounds

One of the most significant advantages of using guitar pedals is the ability to experiment with different sounds. Pedals allow you to alter the tone of your guitar, adding a new layer of creativity to your playing. By experimenting with different pedals, you can create unique sounds and textures that can add depth and emotion to your playing.

Let’s say you’re playing a blues scale riff on your guitar. You could play the riff with a clean tone and it would sound fine, but if you added a touch of overdrive or distortion, suddenly the riff takes on a whole new life. The added grit and edge to your tone gives the riff a sense of urgency and emotion that wouldn’t be there otherwise. Or, if you’re playing a slow, melodic solo, adding a delay or reverb pedal can create a sense of space and depth that can make your playing feel more atmospheric and emotional.

2. Boost Your Creativity

Using guitar pedals can also boost your creativity. By experimenting with different sounds and effects, you can come up with new and interesting ideas for songs, riffs, and solos. You may find that certain effects inspire you to play differently or spark new musical ideas that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

If you’re primarily a rock guitarist, adding a delay or reverb pedal to your setup could inspire you to experiment with ambient or shoegaze styles of music. Similarly, a chorus or flanger pedal could inspire you to try your hand at funk or disco guitar playing. Furthermore, using guitar pedals can also help you develop your own playing style and sound.

3. Develop Your Own Style

Guitar pedals can also help you develop your own unique playing style. By experimenting with different pedals and effects, you can find the sounds and tones that resonate with you and incorporate them into your playing. Over time, you may find that you’ve developed a distinct sound that sets you apart from other guitarists. By finding your own sound and style, you’ll be able to create music that is truly your own and connect with listeners on a deeper level.

Additionally, your unique style and sound can be a reflection of your personality and musical influences. By infusing your personal style and experiences into your music, you can create a connection with your audience that goes beyond just the notes and chords you play. Your personality can also help you stand out in a crowded musical landscape (over almost 50,000 songs are uploaded to Spotify every single day!) as listeners are drawn to artists who have a distinct sound and style.

4. Improve Your Technique

Using guitar pedals can also help you improve your technique. Certain pedals, such as overdrive and distortion pedals, require a certain level of precision and control to use effectively. By practicing with these pedals, you can improve your playing accuracy, timing and phrasing. All skills which need to be worked on during guitar lessons.

Using a delay pedal can work like a metronome and help you develop your timing and rhythm by creating a repeated echo of your playing. Locking in with a metronome, let alone making the metronome groove, will help you lock in with other musicians in a band setting. Similarly, a tremolo pedal can help you develop a more precise picking technique, as the rhythmic pulsing of the effect requires consistent and controlled picking.

What about more subtle pedals like compressors? These pedals can make it easier to achieve a consistent and balanced sound, but they also amplify any inconsistencies in your playing. So you’ll really need to pay attention to your intention while playing guitar. By practicing with these pedals and focusing on maintaining a consistent playing style, you can improve your overall technique and develop a more controlled and polished sound.

5. Enhance Your Performance

The last point here is the obvious one; using guitar pedals will enhance your live performance. Practicing in your bedroom is very important, but transferring that practice to a live setting isn’t so simple. In fact, even if you know a song well, making a stage production and a show of that song requires additional rehearsal and hard work! By incorporating pedals into your setup, you can create a more dynamic and engaging performance that keeps your audience interested effectively taking the song from the rehearsal room to the big stage. Pedals can be used to add depth and emotion to your playing, creating a more immersive experience for your listeners.

Using guitar pedals can be a valuable tool for anyone learning guitar. Not only do they allow you to experiment with different sounds and textures, but they can also boost your creativity, help you develop your own playing style, improve your technique, and enhance your live performance. Whether you’re a beginner guitarist or an experienced player, incorporating guitar pedals into your practice and performance can take your playing to the next level.


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