Recovery Effects Archives - Pedal of the Day

Recovery Effects

A really good simple pedal can sometimes knock your musical socks off more so than a complex, Tolstoy-novel-length manual-having pedal can, and we’re all for that with as many effects as we see around here. Today’s delightfully simple sonic recipe has only a couple of ingredients, but speaks volumes in terms of tone and value. The Electric is an overdrive and compressor in one, with elements of boost and preamp as well...

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Seems that we have a bit of a theme starting off this week, as yesterday and today’s pedal builders (Dreadbox and Recovery Effects) both take a super-unique and creative approach to how they make their effects, and who both continue to amaze with each new creation. The Endless Summer MkII Hand-Wired Real Spring Reverb may SEEM to be a simple pedal, but there is so much going on in just two controls, we could hardly believe it....

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In this awesome world of pedals, it can sometimes seem like it’s all been done before: sure, there might be a couple of different toggles on this pedal and a new knob or two, but really unique, new and innovative stuff can elude the masses at times, until you stumble across a pedal that truly makes you stop in your tracks. Today’s piece of hardware did exactly that me, as I had never come across a...

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The pedals being made by Graig over at Recovery Effects look rad. Plain and simple. That said, today’s reviewed pedal also sounds pretty rad, too, which usually makes for an excellent combination. The Grizzled Mighty Fuzz was originally created for the band of the same name, and is now available for us all to enjoy. This fuzz has some relatively simple controls, but a ton of differing tones, and a big, fat low end, which makes...

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