Seafoam Pedals Archives - Pedal of the Day

Seafoam Pedals

Well, this is a unique, intriguing and awesome pedal idea right here. Dave over at Seafoam Pedals has come up with a way to take three of our favorite pedal add-ons and fit them into one enclosure (well, two of them at a time, anyway). Most of us use at least one, if not all, of these 3 extras in our effects setups: Volume, Expression and Tap Tempo. Sometimes, there’s just not enough room on your board to have 2 expression...

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Seafoam Pedals are a small company based out of Mobile, Alabama, making all hand-wired pedals with some interesting designs and layouts, mainly doing Tap Tempo and Expression-type pedals in pedalboard-friendly sizes. Their first foray into an actual effect pedal is the Low Tide Overdrive, a small, 2-knob transparent drive that features smooth sounds and just enough grit to make it interesting, while keeping your guitar’s tone in...

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